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Shook Man® is the name and face that I've given to that negative inner voice that often tells us we can't achieve the goals we want to achieve.

It says that we're not good enough, we're not strong enough, or that other people are better than us.

By giving that inner negative voice a name and a face, it makes it visible and easier for students to understand and overcome.

Who am I

My name is Ahmad. I'm an emotional resilience artist and coach.

Also, I am the creator of ‘Shook Man’, a comic book character that helps young students engage with their emotions to make them more emotionally intelligent and empathetic towards themselves and others.

I deliver talks and workshops in primary and high schools, and so far, I've introduced more than 600 students to the concept of Shook Man.

My Background

I have a background in care delivery, and supporting adults with learning disabilities, and I have been doing that since I was about 16 years old. This taught me the importance of compassion for others, as well as respecting and upholding their dignity.

In the past, I was also very anxious, and I felt that my anxiety held me back from engaging in the world. It was when I overcame my anxiety that I discovered untapped creativity, which led me to the work that I'm doing today.

Key Challenges For Students

Students today are facing an increasing number of challenges, such as the rise in the global mental health crisis, including the cost of living, wars, and the pandemic. The increasing use of social media also causes us to compare ourselves to each other, creating more anxiety.

Another key issue is that it's very challenging to find engaging ways to educate students about their own mental health.

Our Workshop

The solution that I've come up with is a workshop that fits within your school's PSHE requirements and is simple, fun, and engaging, whilst also being relevant to the challenges that students are facing.

  • Safety

Shook Man workshops create a safe environment for students to be curious and explore their inner emotional world. By engaging in these workshops, students become more self-aware and compassionate towards themselves and others.

  • Focus

An important idea taught within our workshops is that our focus creates our reality.

If we focus on what we fear, we create more of what we fear. By focusing on what we enjoy, we can create more of what we enjoy.

Workshop Outcomes

Students who have taken part in our workshops have found that they are more confident in expressing themselves in the classroom. Where previously they may have been afraid of getting answers wrong in maths, they now find themselves putting their hands up despite not necessarily knowing they have the correct answer.

Their joy and focus is on participating and learning.

Students are learning to weigh up the consequences of their thoughts and how their thoughts and feelings impact their actions.

Our Goal

Whenever I'm talking to an audience of students, I like to share is that I actually feel nervous before I speak. I have my own little Shook Man that tells me they may not like me or may not like what I'm talking about.

What helps me get up and talk is my passion for sharing this information and helping others feel confident in themselves so that they can express themselves.


Our workshops are known for leaving students feeling calm and confident in themselves, and empowered to go out into the world and achieve their goals.

If you are interested in a Shook Man workshop for your school, or if you would like to know more information about Shook Man and how it works, do not hesitate to get in touch.


Alternatively, email us about our workshops here.