Fear, Self-Doubt, and the Key to Moving Forward
You’ve tasted success before – even if only briefly!
You know what ‘winning’ feels like.
Big wins, small wins. They put a smile on your face.
The sensation is electric – it's addictive.
So, you chase the feeling, hooked on the idea that fulfillment feels like winning.
But winning isn't easy - it takes hard work.
Which doesn't feel like winning.
Hard work feels hard.
Giving up, self-doubt, self-criticism, and perfectionism become natural responses.
The obsession with winning leads to depression and hides what actually matters:
Enjoying your creative process and achievement.
Today's plague
The affliction affecting adults and youth today…
They fear failure and give up.
The worst part of fear is the outcome.
A child, woman or man, who is traumatised into inaction, whose silent anxiety invades their every waking thought – the weight of their doubt crushes their dreams.
“Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions”
I know the feeling because this is how I've often felt...
SHOOK... scared of taking action, afraid of judgment, criticism, and punishment if I do or say something wrong.
Somedays waking up in dread, feeling I’m behind in life, drowning in a sea of things to do.
In the past, I’d feel totally incapable – lacking the courage to commit.
Does this sound familiar?
Let me tell you – the impact of crippling self-doubt gets worse with age…
Time flies, friends whizz past you and everyone’s life evolves but yours.
Bitterness and jealousy sting your heart.
You don't want to feel that way but you can't help it.
You look at others, who are free to fly and you feel grounded, broken, and stuck.
Shame sets in.
A solution I wish I had known sooner
Self-help courses and books are useful… But no one can embrace your talents and joy for you.
The power is in you – to pick yourself up, take what you've learned, and nurture your way back to a joyful existence.
This is not a forceful task, but a gentle practice of self-compassion to better understand your inner world and embrace your talents.
From Painful to Powerful:
Whatever your past and current circumstances, if you can triumph over it, physically, mentally, and emotionally, you rise to a new level of awareness.
The wisdom you gain is golden - you have lived experience you can pass on to others facing similar battles.
I believe this is what wise people mean when they say "Everything happens for a reason".
Everything is an opportunity for growth.
Developing your self-compassion allows you to see the value of who you are and what you can offer the world.
It’s the things we fear make us weak, that teach us our strengths and are valuable insights for others.
Developing Self-compassion
Try these steps and you might find what previously held you back becomes the firepower that propels you into purpose.
1. SELF-APPRECIATE: Show yourself the love that is sorely missing from your life. Notice where you don’t support yourself or appreciate your talents.
2. UNDERSTAND HABITS: Develop an understanding of the habits that you previously labeled "bad" - The behaviors you feel make you weak. What are the motivations behind them, what do they give you… perhaps comfort or safety?
3. CHALLENGE BELIEFS: Challenge the ideas of your negative self-talk. Be curious about what these thoughts are protecting you from. Learning to befriend your inner critic enables it to let go of needing to protect you from judgment.
I’d love to hear how these steps impact your life. You can email me or message me on Instagram with your feedback.
Happy creating!
Ps. If you want to uncover your inner blocks, check out my free Shook Story Finder here.
(It will guide you through insightful questions, and you can book an optional quick call with me to delve deeper into what might be holding you back from achieving your goals.)